Saturday, April 28, 2012

If you can't take the heat, get out of Hell

I just want to put some videos up for today. My first pick would be "Welcome to my Nightmare" by Alice Cooper.

The secon pick is "You hate me and I hate you" by GG Allin and the Jabbers

My third pick is "That's when I reach for my revolver" by Mission of Burma

   I'm in the mindset today of just saying fuck the small shit and let me focus on the bigger picture of my life.
My movie pick for today would be Cataclysmic Abyss. It's a skateboard film with my favorite skateboarders in it. Corey Duffel specifically:

My fourth song pick is "Born to lose" by Social Distortion. It's one of my theme songs


No you don't get no second chance. You have one life, one chance, and endless possibilities. Do I want to change the world? I wish I could, but right now I just want to change my underwear.

Thank you for reading!

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